Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Michael Vick was living the high life. He was one of the highest-paid players in the NFL because he could run the ball as well as he could throw, making him a versatile and dangerous quarterback. However, Vick's well-publicized series of bad decisions involving dogfighting has put a taint on his otherwise stupendous career. Every action has a reaction, and in this case Michael Vick's actions had serious consequences.
One who has no knowledge of Vick's stint with the law might see this picture as a cute dog trying to be a football player. However, this image has the potential to be very offending on many different levels. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is a very active animal rights organization that was outraged by the dogfighting incident. A member of this group might see this picture as a downplay of the seriousness of what went on between Michael Vick and his group of dogs. Michael Vick admitted to personally executing dogs that didn't perform well in his dogfights, a situation that should not be joked about. This picture is somewhat creating a mockery out of what happened by showing the dog extracting vengeance on Vick, which might be depicted as funny to some. However, I feel that this picture is much more likely to invoke gasps and cringes than bouts of laughter. Michael Vick served 18 months in a prison cell for what he did. Jail and prison are two very different penitentiary systems; Vick was housed with murderers and rapists because of what he did. People jokingly say not to drop the soap in prison, but I pray that Michael Vick did not drop the soap during his 18 month visit. This image is also making a joke out of Vick's 18 month prison sentence, his mistake was a very grave one with very grave consequences that will haunt him for the rest of his life. He is fully reinstated and will be playing in his first NFL game in years in less than a week from today.
I can only hope that the world will not pass judgment on him for what he has done, for everyone makes mistakes. He deserves another chance, he has done his time. I know where I will be on September 27 at 1:00.


  1. The problem I've always had with this issue is the same with pretty much any other celebrity trial - they get off easily because they're famous, as if being a football player excuses sadistic behavior towards animals.

    But you're right, he does deserve another chance, and your article helped me see the controversy in a picture I would have otherwise never taken the time to look at.

  2. Very good post about the image above. I see how you view this picture as controversial and I take it the same way. I think that sometimes it is treated like a joke but he did deserve punishment for what he did.

  3. This Image and the United States.
    Did you know that in many countries people would never condone dogs and cats in their homes like most US residence do? They throw hot water at cats that make too much noise in the night while they try to sleep. Dogs and cats are kept outside and fed meager scraps, or are left to fend for themselves. In most countries, pets are too expensive to maintain, and too infectious to house.
    We as Americans, have come to a point as a society where we are need to micro manage everything, every living creature needs rights. All must be protected. We are wealthy enough to feed our pets chicken and rice if they are not feeling well, and take them to the hospital that specializes in their needs, because they need that. No matter how you look at it ... a dog is a dog. I support not harming animals, but when it comes to punishing humans because the animal got hurt, that is a totally different story. 18 months for an animal... Please...

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