Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Live and Let Live"

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "Live and Let Live."

When i was a young boy, my brother and I got into an argument that simply couldn't be resolved amongst the two of us. Doing what any annoying kids would do, we decided that the only people who could mediate our argument were our parents. However, the problem we were arguing about had another problem inside itself: my brother wanted me to change my personality, change the person that I was, just to make him happy. My dad would have none of this, but didn't scorn my brother. He only told him to "Live and let live." Although i didn't fully comprehend what he meant at the time, it stuck in my memory like peanut butter.

The older and wiser i became, the more it dawned on me just how powerful that short statement is. If people truly lived their lives and let others live theirs, the world would be a more peaceful place. I have always been a very calm and mellow person, and I dont take well to people trying to force me to do things against my will. Like the great confucius once said, "Don't complain about the snow on your neighbor's roof when your own doorstep is unclean."


  1. I like is always less painful if you just let people do what they want to. Someone trying to stop them will only make them want to do it more

  2. I really like your essay man. great point about how the world would be a better place.

  3. im a very calm person as well.. i like your bumper sticker.

  4. EXACTLY! Dont try to change others life style. it is what makes people unique.

  5. being yourself is really important and changing someone is not good ar all. this philosophy is short and simple and very true

  6. First of all, I loved "stuck in my memory like peanut butter," haha. Second of all, you seem like a pretty chill guy with a wise perspective on life. If everyone had this mantra, the world would be so peaceful. Love the layout, too.

  7. haha! i loveee your essay! your dad seems wise =] and i agree, if people just got along with eachother and stayed out of eachothers business, everything would be more peaceful. people need to realize that no one is perfect and you cant change yourself to make everyone else happy. its impossible

  8. I like the bumper sticker. You can only control yourself and your actions, so no use of worrying about what other people are doing.
